yess that my hobby && fav ;)
aku gile
CAMERA bukan
HANDPHONE . uyeahh itu tittle aku di atas dan ia membabitkan hobi aku yang suke sgtsgt capture picca opss bukan aku sahaja tapi sekitar bende && apa jua tarikan yang menarik buat aku akan aku snapsnap . yes sombody always saying if we have one special things in our life sure we were love tht things . ryte ? same like me wut ever i like i'll love forever && ever .
if can i want getting wutever type of camera not handphone , such as nikon , olympus , sony ,and etc . not like handphone even mcammcam jenis handphone ade but tht not interesting for me . HAHA idk why c(; when i snapsnap the picca i felt satisfied gegile la uhh dunno how to say . i love photography && i love nature and wildlife , i especially enjoy photographing flowers, things , butterflies & etc . bile da fall in love dgn camera ne we should know or understanding about point and shoot digital camera example hurm megapixel , depth of field , zoom ,macro mode , aperture and shutter speed .
when we said bout handphone sure ramai yg suke && akan tukar bermcam jenis hp la , oh tak pada aku oke ? aku tasuke hp && tak pernah terlintas di hati nak memiliki hp secanggih mane pown even aku selalu tgk kwnkwn aku gmar changed their hp every year ;) idk why . oh mybe itu hobby dorang , macam aku suke camera tp takkan nak change tiap2 tahun kan ?
##smile smile ##i have been looking at getting a camera digital for some tyme now , i particularly like
NIKON cameras hee ;D they are usually the best kan kan ? agree with me ? i currently have a olympus camera , but i really want a true nikon ;)
oh gosh , for some people (usually men ) "loving the camera" is just like their for some men loving their motorcycles ,car & etc . i think it's sumthing we should love our camera ryte ?
tht my opinion oke ? depends jugak pd minda korang tok fikir hehe :D so if i have one camera speciall someday yeah i'll definitely love my camera . i find tht taking picca and using my camera make me feel very good . haha chill !
if you love your camera , it will love you bax && it will show in your photography :)
so anyone can snap the picca . && also become photographer ryte ?
just be urself , confident . ignore about wat other ppl saying about
ur picca . *tht not good* hey lantak la itu picca aku & tak curi picca
org laen pown c(; yes great .
ape pown jns camera klu kite pndai snap picca takesah
dr asal mne sekali pown picca tu di captured , tht our talented kan ?
and say critics are welcomed thank you .
so say
that's all about my entry hee ;]